Assignment 2 of my creative coding journey aims to draw upon Javascript concepts and apply them in a variety of different ways to create an interactive piece of net art. My net art piece is titled ‘The Travelling Soot’, which draws inspiration from the Susuwatari (すすワタリ) or ‘Travelling Soot’ in the film ‘Spirited Away’. The interactive site aims to invite a sense of nostalgia, especially for those who are familiar with the Studio Ghibli films, for which these soot characters appear often. Apart from nostalgia, the interactivity between the soot spirits and the colour changing star cursor aims to convey a sense of playfulness.

Interactivity x Visual Elements

I believe a large part of inviting that sense of playfulness and fun, the objective was to match the various interactions between the user and its visual elements to the way the soot spirits are seen in the films itself. I unpacked the way the soot spirits moved, interacted with its surroundings, looked like, and its diet when linking user interactivity with these elements.

  • Soot sprites get extremely jittery and ecstatically excited when they are fed Kompeito (a Japanese hard candy in the shape of a star). The soots are seen getting fed yellow, pink, and green coloured Kompeito.
  • The cursor is a colour changing star for which a large group of Soot sprites constantly follow the cursor and gather on top of each other as they close in on the star.
  • The user can press any key on the keyboard, and this will prompt all the soot sprites to go crazily excited for the Kompeito.


During the development of this assignment, I also worked on experimenting with audio and sound. To further invite that sense of nostalgia within the site, I wanted users to experience the interactions between the soot and the cursor with this iconic piece from ‘Spirited Away’. This was key in allowing users to really get a feel for the atmosphere as they interact with the site. With this, I decided to employ a small audio visualiser towards the side of the site, where users can start and pause the music as they click anywhere on the site. The audio visualiser allows users to see when the song is being played/when it is not, giving them control over what they want to see and hear. I thought this was a neat idea when working with the audio and visual elements, where the visualiser is not the main attraction of the site but is aimed to work fluidly with the interactions.


Instructions were also placed in the centre to introduce the site’s purpose and guide users easily through the different interactions up for offer.

The Travelling Soot

Interact with the Travelling Soot spirits as they go crazy for some star candy.



Commented code below:

let soot = [] //declare global variable 'soot'
              //where 'soot' is an empty array

let song; //declare global variable 'song'
let fft; //declare global variable 'fft'
let star; //declare global variable 'star'
let instructions; //declare global variable 'instructions'

function preload () //loads before setup to get it all ready
  pinkstar = loadImage ('pinkstar.png') //loads image for pinkstar
  greenstar = loadImage ('greenstar.png') //loads image for greenstar
  yellowstar = loadImage ('yellowstar.png') //loads image for yellowstar
  sootspirit = loadImage('sootspirit.png') //loads image for the soot sprite
  song = loadSound('one summers day.mp3') //loads sound for chosen song

function setup () //happens once 
  createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight) //create canvas
                                          //specific to how wide window is
                                          //specific to how tall window is
  imageMode (CENTER) //inteprets image parameters from its centre
  noCursor () //hides cursor from view
  fft = new p5.FFT() //fast fourier transform 
                     //every frame, the fft object will analyse the sound
                     //at that exact point in time 
                     //and return an array of values

  //a for loop that states;
  //variable named 'i' = 0 where i sets up the array contents
  //if i is less than 16
  //then another ellipse will be added to the canvas 
  //therefore there will be 16 ellipses on the canvas
  for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) 
    //inside the for loop
    //the x position of the ellipse will be random 
    //the y position of the ellipse will be random
    //it's easing will move in 0.01 pixels
    let x = random (width)
    let y = random (height)
    let e = random (0.03)
    //declare a new class named 'Soot'
    //the global variable soot and its empty array is called
    //while also calling its x, y, and e values
    soot[i] = new Soot (x, y, e)
  //declare a new class named 'Star'
  star = new Star();
  //declare a new class named 'Instructions'
  instructions = new Instructions();

function mousePressed() //function is called everytime mouse is pressed
  //conditional if mouse is pressed and song is playing
  //pause the song 
  //while the visual graphics still run
  if (song.isPlaying()) 
  //if the mouse is pressed again 
  //continue playing the song 
  //while the visual graphics still run

function draw () //repeats
  background ('#672C17'); //colour canvas brown
  //AUDIO PLAYER placed on the side of the window
  //to ensure users know when the song is playing/not playing
  stroke(255); //colour of wave is white
  strokeWeight(4); //weight of that wave is 4 pixels
  let wave = fft.waveform() //this is where we store the waveform data
  beginShape() //function that make waveform particles more connected to a line
  //create a for loop to loop this waveform data to draw it across canvas
  //the for loop iterates from 0 to the width of the canvas
  //this allows us to put a point from the wave on each x point across the whole screen
  for (let i = 0; i < windowWidth; i = i + 1)
      //maps the for loop variable to the index of the wave that we want
      //the value of the index must be an integer so we floor() it
      let index = floor(map(i, 0, windowWidth, 0, wave.length))
      //let x equal to the left of the window
      //instead of letting x equal to i (which was initially the plan)
      //if x was to equal i, then the wave would be drawn across the canvas 
      //HOWEVER, I wanted the audio to play in a more neater and contained manner
      //to do this, I experimented with changing the x value of the wave, to which
      //I mapped it to a part of the canvas
      let x = windowHeight /30
      //y is equal to the waveform value that is placed at the current index 
      //we need to scale it up to actually see the waveform movements 
      //default its between -1 and 1
      //scale it up to 500 to see its movements
      //offset wave to the middle of the window
      let y = wave[index] * 500 + windowWidth / 2
      vertex(x, y)
  endShape() //function that make waveform particles more connected to a line
  //conditional if any key is pressed
  //run the for loop over and over again 
  //the for loop calls for the array of soot sprites to appear on the canvas
  //at a random x and y position 
  //because the loop iterates continuously as any key is pressed
  //it makes it look like the soot sprites are going crazy
  if (keyIsPressed === true) 
    //this for loop is the same as defined in setup
    for (let i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) 
      let x = random (width)
      let y = random (height)
      let e = random (0.03)
      soot[i] = new Soot (x, y, e)
  //the for loop calls the empty array into action
  for (let i = 0; i < soot.length; i = i + 1) 
    soot[i].display(); //calls the custom 'display' function for soot into the array
    soot[i].hover(); //calls the custom 'hover' function for soot into the array
  instructions.display(); //calls the custom 'display' function for instructions
  star.change(); //calls the custom 'change' function for star  

class Star //template for a changing coloured star cursor
  change() //defined a custom function named 'change'
    //conditional if the mouse's x position crosses half of the window
    //turn the cursor to a green star
    if (mouseX > windowWidth / 2)
      image(greenstar, mouseX, mouseY)
    //otherwise if the mouse's x position crosses third of the window
    //turn the cursor to a yellow star
    else if(mouseX > windowWidth /3)
      image(yellowstar, mouseX, mouseY)
    //turn the cursor to a pink star
    //so technically, the window will start with the pinkstar
      image(pinkstar, mouseX, mouseY)

class Instructions //template for the instructions of interactivity for users
  display() //defined a custom function named 'display'
  textAlign(CENTER); //allign text to the center
  fill(255) //text will be white
  text('すすワタリ', width / 2, height / 2 - 40); 
  text('"The Travelling Soot"', width / 2, height / 2 - 20);
  //text is placed accordingly from the center of this particular text
  //all text is spaced 20 pixels from each other above or below from this point
  text('click for One Summers Day', width / 2, height / 2); 
  text('press any key and the Travelling Soot will go crazy for the Kompeitō', width / 2, height / 2 + 20);
  text('Kompeitō (コンペイトー) are a Japanese hard candy that the Travelling Soot love ', width / 2, height / 2 + 40);

class Soot //template for the soot sprites that follow cursor
  constructor (x, y, e) //set up for x, y, and e values 
    //values are defined inside the for loop, which soot is defined 
    this.x = x
    this.y = y
    this.easing = e
  display() //defined a custom function named 'display'
            //for which the soot will follow the cursor's position
    //created new variable named 'distancetoX'
    //where it = to the mouse x's position on the canvas minus x
    let distancetoX = mouseX - this.x
    //x is defined as 1 + ( 0.01 x (mouse's x position -1))
    //the larger the easing value is the quicker the ellipse will move to cursor
    this.x = this.x + distancetoX * this.easing

    //same for the mouse's y position just using y
    let distancetoY = mouseY - this.y
    this.y = this.y + distancetoY * this.easing

    //the soot image is placed
    //its x and y parameters follows the values equal to this.y and this.x
    image(sootspirit, this.x, this.y)
    noStroke ()
  hover() //defined a custom function named 'hover'
          //the soots will jitter randomly across the window
          //mirroring how they move when they are excited to eat the star
    this.x = this.x + random(4,-4); //the x position of the soot will jitter randomly
                                    //4 pixels to both towards the x and y axis 
                                    //simultaneously as they follow the cursor
    this.y = this.y + random(4,-4); //same is applied to the y position of the soot